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Educational justice through inclusion: Promising practices and hopeful futures

12:45 - 1:45pm Thursday, 14th September, 2023

Plenary Hall 3

Presentation type Plenary


16 Educational justice through inclusion: Promising practices and hopeful futures

Elizabeth Walton1, Sally Elton-Chalcraft2, Deborah Sabric3, Amber Fensham-Smith4, Vini Lander5
1University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. 2University of Cumbria, United Kingdom. 3University of Roehampton, United Kingdom. 4The Open University, United Kingdom. 5Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom

Paper submission type

Panel Discussion


This plenary brings together scholars from a range of BERA SIGs to deliberate on the topic of Educational justice through inclusion. Our focus will not be on the many challenges to the pursuit of educational justice, but on promising practices and hopeful futures. These practices include anti-racism work in initial teacher education; the value of making things and having fun for children not succeeding in the system; new voices and perspectives in historical narratives; working with mothers of disabled children in ways that celebrate life and disrupt tragedy tropes; and how researchers can work as co-creators of knowledge with communities. We’ll draw together the big ideas that connect these practices, and invite discussion among those who attend the plenary.
