Research Methodologies for Exploring Social Work Assessment, Decision Making and Risk
09:30-09:40 Introduction: Ravit Alfandari and Campbell Killick will introduce DARSIG and present the schedule of the day.
09:40-10:30 Presentations: Each presenter will describe a research project that involves an innovative methodology that can be used to explore topics of assessment, decision making and risk. Qualitative methods that focus on meaning and quantitative methods that explore measurement and predictions will be included. Additionally, presenters will shed light on collaborative efforts and the engagement between services users and social work practitioners in researching the decision-making process.
Using Multilevel Modeling to Explore Whether Child Welfare Worker Characteristics Predict Their Decisions. Kristen Lwin, University of Windsor, Canada.
The scope of comprehensive assessment in Finnish child welfare. Anne-Mari Jaakola, University of Turku, Finland & Riitta Vornanen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland.
Predictive risk modelling as an approach for managing risk in child and family welfare services: opportunities and challenges. Liesanth Yde Nirmalarajan, Aalborg University, Denmark & Line Berg, VIA University College, Denmark.
Exploring child welfare workers’ decision-making in child sexual abuse initial investigations. Olive Lyons & Barbara Fallon, University of Toronto, Canada.
Professional judgment as interactive practice – Using a Documentary Method to reconstruct discretionary space in case conferences. Michael Rölver, University of Münster, Germany.
Mixed Methods research to explore assessment, risk and decisions in child protection and welfare. Donna O’Leary, Tusla Child and Family Agency, Ireland & Kresta M. Sørensen, Department of Social Work, University College Copenhagen, Denmark.
10:30-11:30 World Café
Small groups discussions designed to stimulate critical reflection and develop knowledge concerning the complexities and challenges involved in different methodological approaches to explore this area of practice.
11:30-12:00 Feedback and discussion
Groups facilitators describe the key themes/take-home messages developed at their group. Participants are invited to share their thoughts, experience etc.
12:00 End
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