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Green RSEs? Building a community to reduce the environmental impacts of research software.

11:00 - 12:30 Thursday, 5th September, 2024

G.56 (Smaller theatre)

Presentation type Birds of a Feather

82 Green RSEs?  Building a community to reduce the environmental impacts of research software.

Kirsty Pringle ORCID iD1,2, Loïc Lannelongue ORCID iD3, Andy Turner2, Surbhi Goel3, Colin Sauze ORCID iD4, Peter Schmidt5
1Software Sustainability Institute, United Kingdom. 2EPCC, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 3University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. 4National Oceanography Centre, United Kingdom. 5Code for Thought, United Kingdom

Event Type

Birds of a Feather


Due to the urgency of the climate crisis, there is a pressing need to reduce the environmental impact of research.  To achieve significant reductions, culture change is required across the entire research landscape, including across the research software community.  Research software contributes to the environmental impact of research, but can research software engineers play a key role in helping to adapt to minimise  this environmental impact?  Would placing RSEs at the core of net-zero roadmaps for digital research infrastructures help the transition?

In this session we will outline the scale of the problem and introduce a number of projects that are aiming to address it (including tools, certification, best practices).  We will introduce a few different ways to get involved including a new Special Interest Group on “Green RSEs” (affiliated with SocRSE) and a wider ESCS community for Environmentally Sustainable Computational Science. 

During the session, we will work together to draft a “green research software roadmap” which sets out our commitment to addressing the topic and helps to identify what the community feels is required to make the urgent progress required.  Development of this roadmap will help us to identify the key priority areas and start to develop plans to address them.  

By bringing a diverse range of voices and opinions together to discuss the next steps in open discussion, we aim to produce an informed roadmap and start to build a community of practice around this vital topic. 


None. The session may contain some slightly technical discussion on some tools but it will be done in a way that can be accessed by a non-technical audience.


The main outcome of the session is to raise the profile of environmentally sustainable research and normalise discussion of the topic. It will serve as a meeting point to enable people with an interest to meet and discuss; sparking future collaboration. TThis session will raise awareness of the Green RSE SIG and allow discussion on the format / aims of the group. Finally, during the session there will be a facilitated discussion to define a “green research software roadmap”. The roadmap will identify what the community views as the key priorities for the community; it will help to steer the aims of the Green RSE SIG and we can also use it to help influence policy makers and build wider community support to campaign and build momentum around this issue. Attendees will benefit from knowledge exchange with peers, a welcoming community and contributing to the future of work on this topic.

In-Person or Online Delivery

Hybrid (Both In-Person and Online Presenters)